Aegis in Media


  DATE : 18-04-2002
  DATE : 18-04-2002
  DATE : 18-04-2002
  DATE : 18-04-2002
  DATE : 18-04-2002
The first truly International interdisciplinary Telecommunication School in the Asia Pacific region is opened up the IPS Academy under the name Aegis School of Telecommunication . Chief Minister of the MP Shri Digvijay Singhji has inaugurated the project on Wednesday 17th morning at a ceremony held at his official residence in Bhopal . He congratulated Mr Bhupesh Daheria CEO of and Secretary of the School for his pioneering efforts. He added that this school would offer an excellent opportunity to the sate in particular and as whole nation in general.

Right to Left : Mr. Ashok Sahdev Exec. (Vice President, GTL Limited ) , Mr. Kallol Kanungo, (Vice President - Enterprise Networks, GTL Limited, Nv. Mumbai ) , Mr. Bhupesh Daheria (Secretary, Aegis Society for Advance Studies & CEO, G4Solutions) ,Prof. P. B. Sharma, (Vice Chancellor Rajiv Gandhi Technology University, MP) ,Mr. Achal Chowdhary ( President IPS Academy) , Abhijeet mishra (M.Sc university of Oxford Felix scholar )

Later In the launching ceremony of CD prospectus of Aegis School of Telecommunication, a joint press conference was organized in the Jhanuma Place the participants were Prof. P. B. Sharma, Vice Chancellor Rajiv Gandhi Technology University, MP , Mr. Bhupesh Daheria Secretary, Aegis Society for Advance Studies & CEO, G4Solutions, Mr. Achal Chowdhary, President, IPS Academy ,Air Cmdr. J. V. Singh CAO, IIM, Indore,Mr. A. K. Jain, Former MD, Optel Telecommunications Ltd.,Mr. Kallol Kanungo, Vice President - Enterprise Networks, GTL Limited, Nv. Mumbai ,Mr. Ashok Sahdev Exec. Vice President, GTL Limited, Abhijeet Mishra Felix Scholar University of Oxford. Addressing a joint press conference Dr P. B. Sharma who is also the Chairman of International Academic Council of Aegis , told the news man that Rajiv Gandhi Technology University will give a status of Center of Excellence for Telecommunication Studies. He has also given a hint that Ragiv Gandhi Technology University will also start some programs in association with Aegis. Mr. Bhupesh Daheria , Secretary of Aegis School of Telecommunication said that this is the first interdisciplinary Masters course in telecommunication Management provided by any institution in Asia Pacific region . He also told the news man that, this institution will offer practical telecom training which is required by the industry . He also appraised the press that Aegis has tied up with the us based company named Tonex for delivery of the short term courses which will bring the cutting edge technology programs here in India. Mr Daheria told that this course is industry driven. He also added that the course curriculum is designed in coordination with the leading telecommunication companies. He also thanked Mr Rajan Mittal Joint Manageing Director of Bharti Telenet for his support to the School . He added that This program is similar to the program MSTM started by Dr. Ramesh Sharda in 1994 in university of Oklahoma State University. This School will be starting the operations from July 2002 and the entrance examinations will be conducted in the month of May and June. This will really help in Indian economy.


Dr. P. B. Sharma said I am desirous of the to start a corporate school in the field of telecommunication in the RGPV with association with Aegis School of telecommunication. Dr. P. B. Sharma expressed his thoughts that MP has deficiency on Masters Level and on corporate level that is one of the main reasons that we are not able to offer the product innovation not able to make your share in international market in the field of technology and this school will fill this void. Speaking to news man Mr. Kallol Kanungo Vice Presedent Global Telecom said that in industry there is requirement of techno-commercial people. In India we have got management institutes which creates the management graduates we have got engineering institutes which creates engineers but we don't get the feel of both these thighs together. So This School named Aegis will defiantly will do better to the industry as a whole If you ask me as a corporate I have to recruit the managers and technical people separate but when I have to depute the person for the project kind of thing I have to depute two persons separately this is the biggest limitation for any technological company .If we have single guy who can do both the things then this will be value addition to the person also that's where Aegis will fill in the gap. He added that there will be about 10,000 techno commercial persons will be required in the telecommunication and that is huge requirement.

  Panel Discussion on "Future belongs to Telecom Managers" at Indian International Center Delhi

Mr. V.P. Chandan, President Qualcom India
Mr. Kallol Kanungo, VP GTL Ltd.
Mr. S.K. Seth, DDG (BSNL)
Mr. Ashok Hemneni, Director, Sampoorna Delhi
Dr. Ashok De,HOD ENTC,DCE (Delhi College of Engineering)
Mr. Bupesh Daheria, Director, G4Solutions UK Ltd.

  Panel Discussion on "Future belongs to Telecom Managers"  (Indore)

Dr. V.D. Nagar, (Economist)
Dr. D.D. Bhawalkar, Former Director of Ceter for Advanced Technology (CAT)
Mr. R.N. Patel, General Manager (BSNL)
Mr. G. Kumar, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Reliance Infocomm
Dr. J.P. Shrivastava, Former Dean (SGSITS)
Dr. Bharat Chapparwal, Former Vice-Chancellor (DAVV)