Fee Structure

MPTM Full Time (Indore Campus)

Total Fee for one year MPTM Full time is Rs.1,25,000

Payment Mode:
One Time Payment Mode : Rs. 125,000/- (At the time of Admission in advance)

Installment Mode:
Rs.10, 000 will be charged extra, if fees is paid in Installment Breakdown Rs 35, 000/- at the time of admission + Rs. 10,000/- X 10 installments
Total: Rs.1, 35,000

Additional Expenditure :
Additional expenditure would be incurred for Formals - Blazers & Ties for Gents and Saree for Ladies.
Additional expenditure of 40,000 Rs. would be incurred for laptop as it is compulsory for every student

MPTM Part Time (Mumbai Campus)

Total Fee for 18 months MPTM Part Time is $2000/- or Rs. 90,000 (in case of Full payment)
Payment Mode:
1. One Time Payment Mode :
$ 2000 or INR 90,000/-
(At The Time of Admission in Advance)
2. Installment Mode:
Rs. 30, 000/- at the time of admission+Rs 4,000/- X18installments =Total: Rs. 97,000

Note: For NRI, Foreign Nationals, Industry sponsored and Management category the total fee is $5000

Refund Policy:

There will be no refund under any circumstances if the candidate withdraws his admission. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Financial Assistance
Aegis is committed to hunt the best brain and edify their career for the ever-challenging and booming Telecom world by providing them financial assistance. We believe that due to financial problem talent should not be deprived of opportunities. Aegis helps students financially in the form of:
1. Scholarships
2. Study Loan from Banks
3. Work Assistance
4. Aegis Financial Assistance
1. Scholarships
Following scholarships are offered at AST
a) �Bharti Scholar� a prestigious scholarship award from Bharti Televentures for Outstanding Aegis full time Student.
b) Aegis Scholar for Outstanding student.
d) Eagle Photonics Scholarship for outstanding student in the field of Optical Fiber.
e) G4 Scholarship for outstanding student in the field of distance education by G4Solutions.
2. Study Loans from Banks
Various banks have offered education loans to students of AST, which cover tuition fees as well as entire living expenses of one year without any security. The loan is subjected to the terms and condition of banks on case-to-case basis.
3. Work Assistance
Aegis students can take up work assistance in form of project work or as a trainee in companies like BSNL, Bharti and other telecom companies for which they will be paid purely on man-hour basis.
Aegis students can also take up teaching assignments or assistance for various undergraduate programs in Engineering and Professional Colleges.
4. Aegis Financial Assistance
Aegis School of Telecommunication provides financial support to students. This covers the tuition fees in part or full to needy candidates. This financial support is subjected to condition that the candidate will repay the entire amount of Financial Assistance with interest, once he acquires a job.
This support is purely on need base and the committee will decide the amount of tuition fees funding on case-to-case basis for students enrolled at Aegis.

Mr. P. K. Shrivastva Chief HR Touch Tel presenting �Bharti Scholarship� to Mr. Bhaskar Banarjee MPTM 02-03

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Aegis School of Telecommunication