The Foundation for a Great Future

�This program is similar to the highly successful
MSTM program here at
OSU that I had started
a few years back�

Dr. Ramesh Sharda
Chairperson - Curriculum Advisory Board ConocoPhillips Chair and Regents, Prof. of Mgmt. Sc. and Info. Systems (Oklahoma State University), College of Business Admin.Director, Institute on Systems (IRIS)
Masters Program in Telecom Management (MPTM)- Part Time/ FullTime

The purpose of this course is to develop future Telecom & IT leaders, who understand the technology from management and regulatory point of view.

Focusing on your needs
MPTM is designed to develop the managerial and technical skills that will be most useful to you in the future. From the very first day, students meet their career advisors and coaches to create a plan based on their specific personal and professional objectives. Designing this plan at the outset of their studies helps them make the most of their MPTM experience. All participants are required to sign up entrepreneurship projects. Moreover, they can carry out field consulting projects and do corporate internships.

Focusing on the needs of Telecom and IT companies
MPTM program at AST is unique in focusing on the complex nature of Telecom industry and covers all aspects related to it like Marketing, HR, Finance, Accounting, Operations, Telecom & IT technologies, Legal & Regulatory issues and Project Management, etc. This interdisciplinary program will give a wider horizon of telecom industry as a whole. Simultaneously students can specialize in the area of interest. Through our high profile �Curriculum Advisory Board� and �Corporate Council�, we continually update our curriculum to keep pace with the changing dynamic requirements of the telecom world.

Corporate Advantage
Participating corporate member organizations in IT & Telecom can get the customized course curriculum as per their present and future requirements. Aegis shall offer discount in fee to the employees of Corporate Member Organizations who endorse MPTM course. Through the �Aegis Personal Learning and Training System�, AST provides on-site classes at locations convenient to the corporate employees. Leading edge corporations have intensified the value of employee professional development by linking program focus to business goals and strategies. In an era of increasing competition for hiring technology professionals, on-site and interactive video delivery of academic programs is seen as a major employee recruitment and retention edge.

Innovation is the key
MPTM participants master the innovative ground rules for the new century, including techno-management in the new economy and the entrepreneurial spirit that will enable them to lead change. Studies of the most innovative organizations and research on new business perspectives mean that the program continuously incorporates the new practices and skills required for Global Management all with an independent, ethical and innovative outlook.

A global academic perspective
Aegis offers a clear advantage in terms of its teaching resources, teaching methodology and the truly international curriculum. This course is similar to Masters of Science in Telecom Management (MSTM) offered by OSU (Oklahoma State University), US.
Aegis has deployed lecture delivery technology which is being used by top universities across the world.

�There is huge growth in telecom in India and future certainly belongs to Telecom Managers. We need telecom managers unless we rise to the occasion unless we meet the challenge there is no future so either India should have adequate no of trained telecom mangers or India has no future.�

Mr. V. P. Chandan
Qualcomm India
Expressed his views on panel discussion organized by AST on �Future Belongs to Telecom Managers� at Indian International Center (IIC) Delhi

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Aegis School of Telecommunication