Faculty Excellence
Aegis faculties embrace a wide range of technical and management disciplines. Aegis faculty is dedicated to both teaching and practicing- a dual excellence that creates a vibrant, intellectually challenging environment. Our small size means that the participants have exceptional access to their mentor.

Dr. V.D. Nagar
Dean, ManagementStudies, AST.

�I extend heartly welcome to all students willing to join the course of MPTM. Since Telecommunication is the fourth dimension of transportation after land, air and sea, the global economy has stretched its arms to young trained executives. With the growth of industry and service sectors Telecommunication Services will also spread its wings in different directions. The need therefore, is that you with your talent, technique and temperament churn out the best in you. It is the aptitude and attitude that decides the attitude. I wish you bright future in the days ahead�
Dr. V.D. Nagar
Dean, Management Studies
An economist of national repute, former Vice Chancellor of Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidalaya. Director IBMR (ranked 22nd B. School by AIMA in India) and School of Economics IPS Academy, Indore.

Dr. M.G. Sharma,
Dean, Telecommunication Studies
Ph.D, IIT Kharagpur. He is an expert in wireless technology and has more than 35 yrs. of experience in academics. Former Director of Shri Vaishnav Engineering College Indore and GEC Ujjain,
He is also Dir. Of IES Indore.
Taught Course - Telecom System I & II, Mobile communication.

Mr. V. K. Bhalla,
Director, Executive Education & Corporate Affairs - AST
Former COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Airtel and TouchTel. He was also key person in setting up Beetel and has also worked with ISRO.
Mr. Bhupesh Daheria, CEO
Highly motived entrepreneur. REC Bhopal graduate having experience in Network Planning, Design and Installation with Optel Communications. He is also Director of G4solutions UK Ltd., a specialized educational solutions provider.

Mr. Ashok Hemnai,
Director, Career Center
One of the founding pillars of AST. BITS, Pilani graduate, 7 yrs. Of experience with Tisco. Having rich experience of manpower recruitment and training for IT and Telecom companies. He is Director of Sampoorna HR Consultancy, Delhi
Col A. C. Tiwari,
Head OFC Training
Rich Experience in Communication area in Army . He is M. Tech Optical Communication and Optronix from IIT Delhi and MBA from Pune University. He was Deputy GM at GTL Ltd.
Taught Course - Fundamentals of Optical Communication, Optical Systems and Networks and OR.

Dr. M.M. Kapoor
Professor Economics - Managerial Economics
Ph.D, Professor � School of Economics
IPS Academy, Indore 40 yrs. of Teaching experience
Mrs. Aroona Acharya
MBA, Lecturer - Organization Behavior and HR IBMR, IPS Academy, Indore.

K.K. Bhargava
M tech. IIT Mumbai, BE, NIT Tiruchirappalli, 15 years experience with Optel telecom in Optical Systems. Worked with ISRO and received distinguished award.
Taught Course - Telecom Networks Analysis Planing & Design, Telecom Systems and OFC systems.

Dr. Vivek Kushawaha

PhD., MBA (Finance & Marketing)
7 years of experience (including industry experience of 2 yrs)
Taught Course- Financial and Management Accounting

Mr. Anurag Khajanchee
Dir Qcon Consultancy QLA from Intec UK Ltd -rich experience of 11 years of Quality management systems implementation and ISO in Optel Telecommunication.
Taught Course- Quality Management in Telecom
Mrs. Naila Aajaz
MBA (Marketing)
Taught Course- Marketing Management

Mrs. Aditi Naidu
MBA (Marketing) Symbiosis
Taught Course- Marketing Management

Mr. Ajit Jain
M.Tech (Electronics), BE (Electronics)
15 years of Teaching Experience
Taught Course- Computer Networks

Mr. Prashant Ghosh
Masters of Science (Physics), 5 years teaching experience of UNIX, Windows, C, C++, and RDBMS

Mr. Deepak Redgaonkar
Serevral years experience with All India Radio. Consultant for PQ and Tone Modulation.
Taught Course- Corporate Communications

Infrastructure Facilities
Main Campus at Indore campus has following facilities:
Digital Library - Full Access of Intranet and partial access through internet to digital library which consists of all the study materials in soft copy
(HTML, word, E-books, audio books ),Streaming Audio & Video Lectures.

Online subscription of major Telecom and Business magazines Harward Business Review, Voice & Data Total Telcom, Fiber Systems, Light Waves and journals.

Printed subscription - of International Telcom, IT and Business Magazines
(Like Total Telcom, Fiber Systems, Light Waves etc)
CBT (Computer Based Tutorials) from Hill, Agilent Technologies, Cisco etc

P-IV Wipro computer to each students

Linguistics Lab - This lab is equipped with pronunciation development and English learning software.

Cisco Network Academy lab -
Network Simulation tools - Network Traffic Analyzer- LAN EXP2.8, BOSON Router and switch simulators,Matlab software
24 hours Internet facility

(2) For Navi Mumbai campus:
The Navi Mumbai campus will be having best computing environment in the country with a WI-FI enabled laptop for every student.(In addition to all the facilities listed above)

Training and placement
The quality of the program drew leading Telecom companies (including Dishnet DSL,Global Tele-System Ltd(GTL),Bharti Televenture,Idea celluar,ORG-Informatics,Hughes etc for recruitment and training the previous batch students

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Aegis School of Telecommunication